Which mistakes of tomato growing in a greenhouse or in an open ground would you not repeat ever?
Different tomato varieties
Choosing the correct variety for the correct type of environment is crucial. Experience of many years shows that only short-stemmed varieties are suitable for our region.
You should not plant too many bushes of a single variety, which you have bought under an impression of a beautiful picture and description. You can experiment with a couple of bushes. For harvest you should rely only on varieties grown from your own seeds.
You should not plant a single variety only. You should definitely plant several varieties to guarantee successful harvest, since there are times when conditions are unfavourable for one sort, but at the same time these conditions are favourable for another.
Planting previously untested varieties in large numbers is a mistake. It may not be a problem in southern regions, however in our region such experiments may be far less successful.
Tomato seedlings
You should not buy seedlings on a market. It’s better to grow them yourself!
You should not plant more seedlings than you need!
Do not plant seeds for seedlings in January because seedlings will only suffer! Optimum window for planting seedlings is from 25th of February until 15th of March.
You should not save money on the soil, since everything begins with seeds and soil...
Do not forget to “fry” the soil in the oven before planting any seeds for seedlings!
Fertilizers and treatment for tomatoes
Overfeeding tomatoes with nitrogen-based fertilizers during initial stage of vegetation, before appearance of first sets, is an import mistake!
Don’t wait until plants become sick. Preventive actions are important.
Do not over-water the tomatoes.
You should not grow hybrids in a standard greenhouse without a drip-watering system and heating.
General issues in tomato growing
Do not plant too many bushes! The volume of harvest is not measured in number of bushes, but in weight and number of fruits from every bush!
Do not rush to plant tomato seedlings in the greenhouse – temperatures below zero are not beneficial for tomatoes.
Mistake – leaving staking process for later. Later the plants will turn into a jungle where you would not know what to stake!
Mistake – planting long-stem tomatoes in an open soil. Large tomato bushes are hard to keep in order.
It is important to strictly control varieties with lateral shoots.
Keep markings on tomato bushes to choose the best varieties.
Do you agree with information above? Maybe you have made mistakes in the past and now you want to save other gardeners from the same mistakes?
Definitely share in comments!