Many people believe that buying a greenhouse in autumn is unprofitable - why is it needed at this season? However, we can tell you 5 reasons why the greenhouse should be purchased in autumn.
In autumn, the greenhouse is cheaper. In spring, the demand for greenhouses is growing and their cost grows accordingly.
It is easier to install the greenhouse in autumn. In spring, you have to wait for the snow to melt and the earth to warm up, so the autumn installation is much faster.
If you install the greenhouse in autumn, then already in early spring you can get a crop, while your neighbors would just consider buying a greenhouse.
It is better to install the greenhouse on a strip foundation - it will last longer than a foundation made of timber. But it is concreted before frost, so you need to order such a greenhouse in autumn.
Why put aside till spring what you can do today? Order a greenhouse in Averto right now. Call and ask for advice!